On Saturday August 10 we headed to Studio 338 in London’s Greenwich to check out the Solid Grooves summer party.
Solid Grooves have been smashing it in Privilege’s Vista Room all summer, and has grown into one of the most popular weekly events on the island. Studio 338 is a superb venue, and this was our first time there on a blustery August and typically Great British summer evening. Because of the adverse weather, the party was moved inside to the Terrace, and as is Solid Grooves popularity, was sold out.
We caught PAWSA’s set;
If you’re on the island then check out one of Solid Groove’s remaining weekly parties at Privilege. Lots of brilliant tech house, and line ups including the likes of Michael Bibi, it’s where Sundays are at! As for Studio 338, a brilliant venue we’ll be back to, check it out if you’re in London!