Name: Christopher Martin Bojang (Aka. Kriss with a K)
From: Leeds
How many seasons have you worked in Ibiza?
It’s my 11th anniversary this year
Who are you working for?
I am the senior PR of Es Paradis
What’s different to previous years?
The past couple of years have seen change as far as the clubbing side goes! It seems a lot more mainstream and it really does seem like we’re really spoiled for choice with the huge amount of actual things that you can do over here! From boat parties, to daytime parties, nightlife etc! There’s a lot of great stuff over here and we’ve got some of the greatest musical talents in the world 7 days a week!
Perfect! What’s it’s like to work on the island? Give us an average day of a worker in Ibiza.
I’m a workaholic! So even when I have a day off it never really feels like a day off, haha! I work 4 hours during the day along San Antonio’s main beach promoting parties, then I have an afternoon siesta, wake up and work another four hours and then if I’ve still got the energy I’ll hit a few bars or a Super club for a few hours before bedtime! Then do it all over again the next day! Wash, rinse repeat!
Tips to others wanting to work next year?
The first season is always difficult but come out in early May. Save up a lot of cash before you arrive as this is Ibiza – it ain’t cheap. Get your apartment sorted and then get as many club passes as you can as they’ll save you cash and hassle in the long run!
I always say to people that your first season is like when you watch a good film for the first time then when you get to the end of it you think it was ok. But then on multiple views, you start to see patterns and other obvious things before they happen and the overall experience becomes greater! By the end of it you feel like Neo out of The Matrix! It’s a great feeling! I’d also say please try to have fun with everything that you do work wise even when everything seems bleak and it’ll pay off in the long run! You’ll meet some of the greatest people in your life by doing a season over here but sometimes you’re going to have to fight for them! So work hard, stay positive and keep smiling!
Do you have any tips for general holiday makers/clubbers in Ibiza?
There is so much variety over here music wise there’s pretty much something for everyone! Whenever people ask me what the best nights are I find it hard to answer sometimes because it’s such a bold question! In my opinion it comes down to the music, location and pricing!
Always speak with the PRs for these bars, clubs, promotions as well as the official ticket outlets and try to work out what kind of experience you want to get out of your holiday!
The West End is a great place for cheap drinks but if it’s a bit too much for you then you’ve got multiple chill out areas like on the sunset strip and the family friendly San Antonio bay! Ibiza town is great for shopping and Playa Den Bossa is always pretty cool with one of the nicest big beaches around!
Great tips! How do you think Ibiza has evolved over the years?
It’s become more developed that’s for sure. It’s easier to get around to different areas of the island and there’s a heck of variety as far as the clubbing scene goes. Gone are the days of 24 hour partying, after parties and other crazy stuff! Music and Fashion trends have changed and I see a lot of younger kids wearing some crazy looking hairdos with their white socks pulled up way past their ankles which is the popular thing now, but it’s cool as I’ve always had an open mind about things like that! The Island attracts a much wider audience of holidaymakers now so I can kind of see why certain changes were made even though I miss the things from when I first arrived here like regular workers parties at 6am in the morning after finishing work!
What is it about Ibiza you love? What made you fall in love with the island?
I’ve been a big fan of Ibiza since I first saw it on TV in the mid 90’s! Even when I came out on holiday on my own for the first time in 2000 I just knew that there was something special about this place! I never thought that I’d manage to do 10 full seasons over here but I’m very grateful for all the opportunities that I’ve been given! What I love about the island is the people or as I like to call them ‘The Ibiza Elite!’ I’ve met so many great people over here from all over the world and from all walks of life and have learnt a lot from them! I levelled up and became a better PR and person by being literally pushed to the limits mentally and physical on a regular basis! I just love waking up every morning, going out there, kicking ass and making peoples holidays that little bit more special!
You’re an Ibiza legend Kris! Thanks for the interview!